Worship & Online Resources
This week's worship
12th January 2025 : Baptism of Our Lord/Plough Sunday: Parish Mass 9.30am,
also livestreamed from 09.28.
followed by Plough Procession through the village with Vintage Tractors.
Concluding with bring & share lunch in church.
Healing Ministry
The healing ministry is an integral part of the Gospel and an important aspect of the life of St Mary's. All are welcome and of course there is no charge. Healing services are quiet and meditative you will not be asked any intrusive questions or asked why you have come.
Please contact Fr Philip if you would like to discuss any aspect of this.
Daily Mass times
You're welcome, whoever you are - as are your children ...
- if you're used to this style of worship,
or have never been to church before...
Here you'll find worship dignified but accessible...teaching faithful to Scripture and Tradition...
... and a friendly welcome which is genuine.
9.30 am - Parish Mass & Address
The main act of worship each week - with freshly-brewed coffee & tea afterwards at the back of the church for all who wish to stay.
First Mass of Sunday:
Saturdays 10.00 am
The main act of worship each week - with freshly-brewed coffee & tea afterwards at the back of the church for all who wish to stay.
First Mass of Sunday:
Saturdays 10.00 am
To see the times of Mass each day in January click here. Times are also on sheet on the churchyard noticeboard and in the weekly bulletin.
Children welcome!Children are always welcome. We realise that children view worship differently from adults and that they join in in their own way. So when your vocal baby or toddler adds to the worship, don't worry - we won't; we love to have them!
There are plenty of toys, books, colouring materials and games at the back of the church and we welcome children who wish to become servers from a very young age, as their presence is as important as everyone else's. If you're uncertain about the forms of worship at St Mary's but would like to come into church to get the feel of it first, why not come to Coffee and Cake on a Tuesday morning? ALL ARE WELCOME, whether you attend any church or none. See 'What's on' for details.
The Mass - what it's about
The Mass (also known as the Eucharist, Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper) is the single most important thing the Church does. At the Mass, the community gathers to hear the word of God and to be fed on the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood in bread and wine. As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus and to spread the good news about the kingdom of God. But this would mean nothing without Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his Resurrection, when he showed that Love is stronger than death. Jesus gave us this gift so that we can always meet him as fully as his first disciples and be filled with his living presence. This happens whenever we join in the celebration of the Mass. On Sundays the Mass is a joyful celebration with people of all ages. We sing hymns, and use incense, bells and music to enrich our experience of worship. On weekdays the celebration of the Mass is quieter and smaller – a different way to be still, to reflect and to meet with Christ.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession & Absolution): Saturdays - 4.00pm or contact Fr Philip Baptism (Christening),
Confirmation Weddings Anointing of the Sick Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament Pastoral Visits Please contact Fr. Philip. (click here for contact details) Fr Philip is always willing to visit the sick, dying and bereaved and to speak to any parishioner who has needs or concerns, or questions about Christian faith and life, whether or not you regularly attend church. Just ask. Healing MinistryThe healing ministry is an integral part of the Gospel and an important aspect of the life of St Mary's. All are welcome and of course there is no charge. Healing services are quiet and meditative you will not be asked any intrusive questions or asked why you have come. Please contact Fr Philip if you would like to discuss any aspect of this. |