Bank: CAF Bank (Charities Aid Foundation)
Account Name: PCC of Mendlesham Sort code: 40-52-40 Account No: 00021465 If your donation is for any specific purpose, such as candles or the armoury, please use that as a reference, together with your surname and it will go to the relevant fund. Otherwise type 'donation'. Parish Giving Scheme
The Friends of St Mary's raises much needed funds to maintain and restore the building. If you would like to donate to the Friends directly by BACS, the bank account details are as follows:
Friends of St Mary's Mendlesham Sort code 30-91-49 Account no: 00228856 (Lloyds Bank) There are gift aid forms in church on the bier for you to complete if you pay UK tax. (Reg. Charity No. 284983) |